Light Conversion Pharos PH2-SP-10W-1mJ. · Laser Laboratory

Light Conversion Pharos PH2-SP-10W-1mJ.

Tuneable femtosecond laser for damage free ablation.

The tuneable femtosecond laser operates at three wavelengths and is integrated with a high-precision four-axis stage which achieves µm accuracy over a scan area of 200 mm x 200 mm.

Tuneable femtosecond laser for damage free ablation.

Laser specifications

Parameter Value
Pulse width Tuneable approx. 190 fs to 15 ps
Wavelength 343 nm, 515 nm, 1030 nm
Repetition rate Up to 200 kHz
Pulse energy 1000 µJ (fundamental mode)
Beam profile Gaussian beam profile (M2 < 1.2)
Micromachining setup Four-axis stage, µm accuracy, 200mm xy-scan range

Laser ablation

With the support of ACAP Infrastructure Funding we have installed a brand new Pharos laser in the photovoltaic laser laboratory at ANU. With a pulse duration adjustable over a wide range from femto- to picoseconds, three selectable wavelengths, motorized attenuators and lambda/2 waveplates, it is a quite slick setup offering a broad range of applications in laser ablation and processing.

Optical bench setup of the femtosecond laser.

Optical bench setup of the femtosecond laser.

The high pulse energy enables a broad range of research applications.

ANU researchers with the Pharos laser.

The tuneable pulse duration from femtosecond to picosecond offers a broad process optimisation window.

ANU researchers with the Pharos laser.
ANU researchers aligning the Pharos laser.

ANU researchers aligning the Pharos laser.

The automated harmonic generator provide an easy selection of fundamental (1030 nm), second (515 nm), third (343 nm) harmonic outputs using software control.